The Wholeness Work® Pathway

How do I become a The Wholeness Work® Coach or The Wholeness Work® Trainer?

Would you like to use The Wholeness Work® as a coach and possibly teach the method in groups as a trainer?

You probably already know from your own experience that The Wholeness Work® can have transformative effects. Live training and coaching provided by experienced, qualified, skilled and kindhearted coaches and trainers is the central medium of a growing The Wholeness Work® movement around the world.

Connirae Andreas and EATWW aim to make The Wholeness Work® accessible to as many people as possible in a high quality way.

Getting started with The Wholeness Work® is very easy and direct. Over time, the entire depth of the transformation work can be experienced. The resulting complexity of the subtle details develops great significance for the competent presentation of The Wholeness Work® to clients and groups.


There are different roles and experience levels in learning The Wholeness Work®:

  • The Wholeness Work® - Practitioner
    In this role you will adopt The Wholeness Work® and it’s different formats in your own experience for yourself and your personal transformational process with meditation, mindfulness, sleep or self-coaching practice. This is the starting point into the manifold world of The Wholeness Work®. You can start right after you know the basic process. You can make use of different opportunities of peer groups and material, EATWW is offering to their members.
  • The Wholeness Work® - Coach
    In this role you will work with The Wholeness Work® with your clients and guide them through the transformation processes, thereby enabling your clients to use The Wholeness Work® methods continuously for themselves. In this role you can label yourself The Wholeness Work® Coach for example on your website. Also, you are listed on the website of EATWW, if you like.
    How do I become certified The Wholeness Work® - Coach?
  • The Wholeness Work® - Trainer
    In this role you pass on The Wholeness Work® in the existing training formats (Foundation Level I training - day 1 and 2, Level II training – day 3 and 4 , Level III training – day 5 and 6, ... ) to potential practitioner and other coaches, therapist, etc.. You will teach them the full range of The Wholeness Work® methods either for their own personal transformation and/or for working with their clients. In this role you can call yourself The Wholeness Work® - Trainer on your website and offer a The Wholeness Work® Coach Certification Service as a member of the EATWW Association in coordination with the teaching trainers.  You also have the possibility to present yourself on the EATWW e.V. website.
    How do I become certified The Wholeness Work® - Trainer?
  • The Wholeness Work® - Teaching Trainer
    In this role the function you conduct is the training of The Wholeness Work® - Trainers. In order to promote the quality of The Wholeness Work® at all levels of experience and learning, Connirae Andreas and the EATWW Board appoint Teaching Trainers. In this role you can label yourself as The Wholeness Work® - Teaching Trainer for example on your website. Also, you are listed on the website of EATWW, if you like. How do I become certified The Wholeness Work® - Teaching Trainer?


Each element of the Coach and Trainer pathway is designed to provide benefits for you, in increasing your skill and ease with The Wholeness Work®, and adding to the transformation you experience yourself, and for your clients and participants.

If you have any questions, see more details in the relevant links and for further questions please email us: [email protected]

We consider our growth as a learning organization as a joint process of all members. We may be changing our pathway steps as we gain experience with how well they work to offer quality support to those wanting to become Practitioners, Coaches and Trainers of The Wholeness Work®. Our aim is to offer an effective way for prospective clients and trainees to receive a high quality and congruent experience of The Wholeness Work®.

To maintain your certificate, the association will be adding continuing education suggestions. So we will be initiating peer groups (online and life), online resources on a learning platform such as videos and webinars, annual meetings for members, annual trainer and coach summit, etc.. As a learning community, you can participate in forming and shaping the items.

Pathway for the certification of The Wholeness Work® Coaches:

If you would like to be a The Wholeness Work® - Coach we believe these are the steps to help you provide this work in a quality and congruent way.

  1. Become a member of the EATWW and practice the processes yourself. Personal experience with the functioning of the method is essential. This is the basis for leading others effectively and teaching the work congruently. The longer you have done this practice yourself, the more you will have good intuitions to rely individually when leading someone else. The more experience you gain here, the more likely you will have a broad basis for effectively guiding others in a variety of situations in the future.Connirae recommends doing the personal exercise for three months (90 days) before you start coaching others in a significant way.
  2. A certification as The Wholeness Work® Coach indicates a deeper background of experience. Take part in at least four live trainings (2x Level I Foundation – day 1 and 2 and 2x Level II – day 3 and 4) with Connirae Andreas at least one personally or a certified The Wholeness Work® -Trainer. After this, you will have a feel for how to respond to a range of questions and challenges. Most Wholeness Coaches find the more trainings they participate in, the more their skills developes.
  3. One important step for coach pathway certification is to gain feedback on your work with the method. For that purpose, The Wholeness Work® Trainers offers Coach Certification Services. Please submit two demos of yourself guiding someone else in The Wholeness Work® to a certified Wholeness Work® Trainer of your choice. The demos may be live or video recordings - one might be straightforward and the other one might involve a challenging situation. You will get consultation on your demos. The certified Wholeness Work® Trainer will go over this video with you as a mentor and engage in a supportive process of review and suggestions. The value of this is, that you get access to someone’s expertise in The Wholeness Work® to assist you in adding to your own skills and abilities. Your mentor may be able to suggest useful next steps. You may be asked to add a period of additional practice and learning to show a range of flexibility and skills. You can also make use of different opportunities of peer groups, EATWW is offering to their members.
  4. A written statement and explanation describing what The Wholeness Work® means to you personally and your work, plus your vita with training and coaching credentials will help us understand your overall prerequisites.
  5. We as EATWW understand that The Wholeness Work®-Coaches have some background in general coaching skills. The following options can give you this general coaching skill background: psychology studies, systemic consultant, practice as a coach or therapist, and / or a background in transformative methods such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Systemics or Hypnotherapy or comparable experiences relevant in your country. Please contact us if you have questions considering your background.
  6. You can receive recognition and certification from the EATWW as a certified coach of The Wholeness Work® and be part of a growing community. Please understand that EATWW will award this recognition when we believe that The Wholeness Work® will be passed on in a quality and congruent manner in the future. We will do our best to support you in gaining the experience you need.


Pathway for The Wholeness Work® - Trainer

For the certification as The Wholeness Work® Trainer you first follow the pathway as a certified The Wholeness Work® Coach and after one year of experience as a certified The Wholeness Work® Coach, you can receive certification as a The Wholeness Work® Trainer with additionally:

  1. Participate in Level I and Level II at least one more time as participant or coach with Connirae Andreas personally or one of The Wholeness Work® Teaching Trainers, for a total of three times with the Coach Pathway. Why do we recommend at least three trainings? The Wholeness Work® Trainings follows the flow of group experience. Also due to the enormous variety in The Wholeness Work®, each training is unique. Once you have participated in three rounds, you will have a feel for how to respond to a range of participants, questions and challenges.
  2. Participate in the Level III training at least two times (first time as participant and second time as participant or coach) with Connirae Andreas personally or one of The Wholeness Work® Teaching Trainers.
  3. For training a level you need to have completed the following level at least two times. So e.g. to train Level III you need to have 2 x Level IV (first time as participant and second time as participant or coach) with Connirae Andreas personally or one of The Wholeness Work® Teaching Trainers.
  4. To become certified as a trainer, you must demonstrate the ability to lead someone through each of the methods taught in Level I and Level II (Basic Process, Reclaiming Inner Authority, What’s missing, Dissolving Roles, Letting Go, Where Standing, Me & You, direction of escape, wholeness work presuppositions, etc..), demonstrate, answer questions, show your ability to work with unusual clients and deal with unexpected events in a demo context. The skill level of a trainer is to demonstrate and teach each of the Level I+II formats to a group. The method of co-training together with a teacher training is a proven way to conduct a trainer certification. Please check for the conditions of the Teaching Trainers regarding the Trainer Certification Services.
  5. Please take part in at least four (online) supervisions offered by the Teaching Trainers as part of the Trainer Certification Service.
  6. Please hand in a written statement and explanation describing “My personal development with The Wholeness Work®” plus your vita as a trainer will help us understand your overall prerequisites.

EATWW understands that The Wholeness Work®-Trainers have some background in general training skills in experience oriented trainings in the areas of communication, personal development, coaching, business, etc. and / or comparable experiences and trainings. Please contact us if you have questions considering your background.

As a certified trainer of The Wholeness Work®, we place the responsibility for the certification of The Wholeness Work® Coaches in your hands. To ensure the quality of the entire The Wholeness Work® education it is necessary to be a member of the association and to carry out the coach certification services in close consultation with the teaching trainers and Connirae Andreas.

As an EATWW member with different status (The Wholeness Work® Coach, The Wholeness Work® Trainer, The Wholeness Work® Teaching Trainer) or status, you will gain access to The Wholeness Work® training resources, such as instructional videos, trainer manuals, participant manuals, etc., to help you improve your training and improve your performance.

Pathway for The Wholeness Work® - Teaching Trainer

We believe that this role will add to the overall quality of your work, especially when The Wholeness Work® is spreading out all over Europe. There experienced persons will support others on a high level. Prerequisite for the nomination as The Wholeness Work® - Teaching Trainer is a certification as The Wholeness Work® - Trainer. Please contact us, if you are interested in this role in the future at [email protected]. We will consult your request with Connirae Andreas.


About the association

The European Association for The Wholeness Work, together with all members and the international wholeness work community, is responsible for the quality and credibility of the method. At the same time, it is a concern of the association to spread The Wholeness Work® freely and effectively. When you learn The Wholeness Work® and are inspired by it, you have the freedom to express yourself, to share the method, to experiment with it, to apply it, to teach and to continue research.

In order to acknowledge the origin of the method and her creator Connirae Andreas, we in the association have agreed that in every The Wholeness Work® offer or publication (online/offline) ...

  • the original logo is used
  • the wording "The Wholeness Work®" is used with trademark sign
  • and reference is made to the association website (online by linking or offline by printing).
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