European Seminars: Amsterdam

Only 2024 trainings in Europe with The Wholeness Work Founder Connirae Andreas

Join Connirae Andreas, developer of this new method, for this 70 minute introduction to the Wholeness Work.

What Is It?

The Wholeness Work is a new “path to awakening” and way of resolving life problems. On this introductory video you’ll find out how this new method offers a simple, gentle, step-by-step way of doing what spiritual teachers talk about. It offers a way to dissolve the “everyday sense of the ego” in a way that also resolves many life problems. This method has helped people with insomnia, relationship issues, pre-migraine auras, difficult emotions, and much more. People report “it’s easy, and feels gentle and kind.”


In This Free introduction…

  • You’ll be guided in group exercise so you can experience the first steps of this process yourself.
  • Observe a brief demonstration of the first Wholeness method.

Most People Who Learn & Use The Wholeness Work Experience

  • A deep relaxation and resetting of the nervous system
  • A natural melting away of many issues that previously seemed like intractable problems
  • Increased sense of well-being
  • Greater access to a natural wisdom, compassion, humor, and creativity
  • And more…
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