May 16-23, 2025
Wageningen in the Netherlands

Learn the life changing method. Join for one level or join for the full experience.
- 6 days of training with Connirae Andreas
- 3 levels
- 2 break-out days with selected activities
Organized by the European Association for The Wholeness Work
in cooperation with IEP(www.hetiep.nl)
Friday May 16 & Saturday May 17, 2025
Immerse yourself in the Experience the basics of the Wholeness Work system/method to release blocks and patterns. The formats as shared in Level 1 will give you a set of powerful tools to to work with yourself on a daily basis on a wide range of topics.
Day 1 - Immersion: The Wholeness Work®
On day 1you’ll experience… The Key Components that make this gentle system of inner work both kind and simple, yet have laser-like precision in using our “in-the-moment” experience as a portal to gradual “awakening.”
- The Foundation Method: You’ll learn a format you can use to transform emotional reactivity, and other life issues. The Wholeness Work® as a meditation method: The Wholeness Meditation Format:
- You’ll also practice a variation for individual, daily use. You can use it to dissolve stress, for deep relaxation.
- Sleep tips: Learn The Wholeness Work for regeneration and a deeper and more restful sleep.
- The keys that make Wholeness Work unique: You will learn why and how Wholeness Work enables precise, gentle and lasting change.
- Exercises and helpful tips for use The Wholeness Work® both in professional practice and in private life
Day 2 -
You will learn two further formats of The Wholeness Work®.
On Day 1, you’ve learned a practical method to begin experiencing what in spiritual circles might be called “dissolving the ego.” You’ll find out how this can make life experience easier and kinder on many levels. But it turns out that a real and complete transformation of our consciousness involves more than that. On Day 2 we explore and experience the two next keys for “awakening” - or just having a happier, more successful, more fulfilling life. These are…
- The Authority Process- Reclaim your authority - This format of The Wholeness Work® can bring about profound changes in issues such as shame, disgrace and guilt.
- Integrate-what-is-missing- this Wholeness Work® format offers deep healing when working with issues such as loss, grief, heartache, neediness, etc.
- Demos and exercises as well as helpful tips for use The Wholeness Work®
- The formats you’ll learn on the second day build on the principles you’ve learned on Day 1, part plus they add important themes, structures and patterns.
Detailed training manual included
Monday May 19 & Tuesday May 20, 2025
Wholeness Work as a system has the capacity to guide us individually in an ever deepening journey of awakening, healing, and transformation. Without the advanced formats, often people are inclined to stop using Wholeness Work as a practice, and they don’t know why. When you learn the Level II formats, you’ll be able to effectively and gently transform much more within. Everything becomes a doorway into more Wholeness.
Day 1 - Advanced formats
With the methods and formats of Level II, you increase and expand the reach and potential of The Wholeness Work®
- The life journey of consciousness - We will explore how "inner disconnects" arise and how we can begin to heal and integrate experiences from the formative stages of life.
- Coping mechanisms - Recognize the primary coping strategies and integrate these patterns (e.g. stress) with The Wholeness Work® .
- Roles and identities - By integrating our roles and identities with The Wholeness Work®, we become more flexible
- Theletting go process- You learn to recognize and transform both conscious and unconscious attachments and aversions.
Day 2 -
Because of the deep level at which we’re inviting healing, the exact changes each person experiences are unique. What we know in advance, is that it will be positive, and authentic for you.
- TheWhere-am-I-really-standing process Discover your mental place of power and presence in the moment. Our true place of power is usually not what we’d expect. And discovering it opens the door for greater groundedness, presence and access to your own resources.
- Transforming “the me.” We’ll explore how to meet and heal “victim” experiences at a level beyond content. Even minor experiences of feeling hurt, or “done to” in any way can benefit from this method.
- Integrating experiences of “the other.” This has surprising benefit that’s empowering to us as individuals.
- Transforming “the me” plus integrating the “other” together have the potential for healing intergenerational patterns, and releasing more resourcefulness within.
Detailed training manual included
Thursday May 22 & Friday May 23, 2025
The Wholeness Work guides us in a journey through the unconscious, in a way that we kindly encounter and heal inner splits that we didn’t even know were there.
Day 1 – Deeper Formats from The Wholeness Work®
- Discover a simple way to engage the full nervous system for a more complete experience of “presence.” A simple and kind way to finally experience “full presence” without trying. We will go deeper with the “Where do I actually stand” process.
- "Where's the game?" Learn how to discover what we hide from ourselves.
- Working with polarities - You’ll learn how to find and heal inner “opposites,” which together create more wholeness. Most polarity work methods are based on content. In this training you’ll learn several ways to find polarities based on structure. Using Wholeness Work allows us to get to a much deeper level of healing and integration.
Day 2 -
- Wholeness Dream Work: Dreams provide a window to the unconscious - and Wholeness Work finally gives us a way to fully utilize this window. In a two-phase process, you’ll learn how to process a dream and all its elements for sometimes profound growth and enrichment. The usual results? Recurring dreams or nightmares usually resolve. But beyond this, the dream becomes a significant resource. This dreamwork method goes beyond what prior methods have offered - so you can gain more from a dream.
- Integration of the 5 meta-program identities
- Work with inner voices and the auditory channel.
- Further exercises and tips for dealing with challenging situations.
Detailed training manual included
Level I covers the content from the book The Wholeness Work Essential Guide - Level I: Healing & Awakening. The content for Levels II and III is not yet available in English in book form.
What the participants say

I have been meditating for 30 years and have used many different practices from Kriya Yoga, TM, Buddhist methods etc. I found Wholeness Work more effortless and was able to quickly achieve a calm and peaceful state of open awareness. I led my wife through 2 of the exercises and she too found it surprising how quickly she was able to achieve a deep and peaceful state. I found the course really effective as it teaches through experience.
- Douglas Ringwald
Level I covers the content from the book The Wholeness Work Essential Guide - Level I: Healing & Awakening. The content for Levels II and III is not yet available in English in book form.
Training format: Learning by doing
- Connirae demonstrates the format with a volunteer. You can be one!
- Following the explanation of a formats, you will practice in pairs. Experienced trainers are present to support you with the exercises.
- Time to share experiences and ask questions.
This two, four or six day immersion in Wholeness Work brings a radical deepening of both your understanding as well as practice of the Wholeness Work and fundamental changes on a personal level.
- Level I - Everyone is welcome! No previous knowledge required.
- Level II: Participation in a Wholeness Level I training course is a prerequisite
- Level III: Participation in a Wholeness Level I and II training course is a prerequisite
This is for you if you:
- are a coach, counselor or therapist
- are an NLP practitioner or coach
- a Core Transformation practitioner or coach
- Bodyworker or practioner of a somatic discipline
- have done a Wholeness Work training online or in person in the past
OR if you
- Simply interested in personal growth and would like to discover one of the most powerful, yet gentle methods available.
- Want to transform and heal stress at such a deep level that your consciousness also evolves.
- You want a gentle path of healing and transforming, that results in many life issues dissolving or melting away.
This is your opportunity to learn from the source.
The Wholeness Work guides us in a journey through the unconscious, in a way that we kindly encounter and heal inner splits that we didn’t even know were there.
Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Wageningsche Berg
Generaal Foulkesweg 96
6703 DS Wageningen
+31 (0)317 - 495 911
Seminar times:
- Always from 10h- 18:00h
If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to send us an e-mail at info@hetiep.nl or office@wholenesswork.eu ! We will be happy to help you.
By Air
The closest airport is Schiphol. Below are the travel times from different airports to the hotel:
- Schiphol Airport → Fletcher Hotel de Wageningsche Berg in Wageningen: 1 hour 20 minutes by car/taxi.
- Brussels Airport → Fletcher Hotel de Wageningsche Berg in Wageningen: 2 hours 30 minutes by car/taxi.
- Düsseldorf Airport → Fletcher Hotel de Wageningsche Berg in Wageningen: 1 hour 40 minutes by car/taxi.
- Frankfurt Airport → Fletcher Hotel de Wageningsche Berg in Wageningen: 3 hours 40 minutes by car/taxi.
- A taxi from Schiphol to the training location costs approximately €125.
- Taxis are usually available at the station. You can also book a taxi here: https://sneleentaxi.nl/.
Public Transport
- The train from Schiphol to Ede-Wageningen station costs €19.10 (one-way) and takes 1 hour.
- From Ede-Wageningen station, you can take a taxi. It costs approximately €27.50 and will take you to the training location in 15 minutes.
For public transport information, visit: www.ns.nl
There are accommodation options available at the Fletcher Hotel de Wageningsche Berg, where the training takes place. Upon registration, you will receive a booking code for the hotel:
🔗 Fletcher Hotel de Wageningsche Berg
If you need the code earlier, feel free to email info@hetiep.nl—we're happy to assist you! You may also find good deals on Booking.com.
Other Accommodation Options Nearby
🏡 ’t Heerenhuys – 1.5 km
🔗 Visit Website
🏨 Hotel de Wereld – 1.9 km
🔗 Visit Website
🏠 Short Stay Wageningen – 2.1 km
🔗 Visit Website
🏨 Hotel WICC – 2.5 km
🔗 Visit Website
🏡 Airbnb
🔗 Visit Website
🏨 Hotel de Nieuwe Wereld – 3.1 km
🔗 Visit Website
The prices include lunch as well as coffee, tea, and cookies during the seminar.
10% discount for members of the European Association for The Wholeness Work and participants from Eastern European countries.