Join the European Association for The Wholeness Work e.V.

What are your benefits:

  • Be part of a growing community of Wholeness Practioners
  • Take part in peer groups for personal exchange, practice and development
  • Receive an online access to Wholeness Material
  • Become support for your questions and feedback
  • Sometimes we have membership prices for our seminars
  • And more

To become a member, the process is straightforward:

Fill out the form below: Start by completing the membership form. This form will likely ask for your personal details, such as your name, contact information, and possibly other relevant details regarding your interest or experience in the field.

Pay the membership fee: Once you have completed the form, you can proceed to pay the membership fee. The fee is €60; however, if you join after 1st July, the fee is reduced to €30 for the remainder of the year.

Receive confirmation of your membership: Once your payment is processed, you will receive a confirmation of your membership. This confirmation might come via email or through a notification on the membership platform, depending on the organization's process.

This is our bank account for the membership fee:
European Association for The Wholeness Work e.V.
IBAN: DE16 1009 0000 2773 1890 08
Berliner Volksbank 



Powered by paypal

Until 30 June of a year, the full annual membership fee applies. For new memberships from 1 July of a year, half the annual membership fee applies until the end of the year.


Die Mitgliederverwaltung des EATWW e.V. erfolgt elektronisch gemäß DSGVO. Der Vorstand veröffentlicht besondere Ereignisse des Vereins, inklusive personenbezogener Daten, Texte, Bilder und Filme. Mitglieder können jederzeit schriftlich Widerspruch gegen Veröffentlichungen einlegen. Ich erkenne die Satzung an und stimme der Speicherung meiner Daten zu. Der Widerruf ist per Email an möglich. / The membership management of EATWW e.V. is carried out electronically in accordance with GDPR. The board publishes special club events, including personal data, texts, images, and videos. Members can object to publications in writing at any time. I acknowledge the statutes and agree to the storage of my data. Revocation is possible via email to
Einverstanden / Agreed

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